Categories Mary Phagan

What I learned about my Jewish identity while performing in the … – The Canadian Jewish News

For the last five months, Ive been stepping into the shoes of a Jewish woman whose husband was lynched for a murder he did not commit. Parade, a musical written and performed on Broadway in the late 1990s, tells the devastating and true story of Leo Frank, a Jewish New Yorker who lived and worked in Atlanta, Georgia in the early 1900s.

Categories Leo Frank

Civil Rights Journey With Etgar 36 | JewishBoston –

This February, travel down south with teens and peers from the Greater Boston community on a civil rights trip led by Etgar 36! Never miss the best stories and events for families, children and teens! Get JewishBoston Plus Kids. Learn about the struggles of African Americans to gain equality in the 1950s and 60s as well as discover how Jews were involved in the civil rights struggle. The trip will include visits to Atlanta, Montgomery, Selma and Birmingham

Categories Leo Frank

Daniel Boorstin Against the Barbarians – The Imaginative Conservative

Yet more than any other consensus historian, Daniel Boorstin counter-attacked radical New Left critiques. He was unabashedly patriotic, and his books are works of wonderment and curiosity about America, its land, and its people. In 1994, on the PBS program Think Tank, Ben Wattenberg hosted a debate on the topic Who Owns History

Categories Leo Frank

Elon Musk and the fight to X out hate speech – Communist Party USA

At the end of August, 38-year-old presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy appeared on CNN and was confronted with remarks he made regarding Ayanna Pressley, the first Black woman elected to represent Massachusetts in Congress. In response to her critique of his campaign one that insists on a colorblind meritocracy Ramaswamy said at an event in Iowa that her words are the words of the modern grand wizards of the modern KKK.

Categories Leo Frank

Elon Musk and the fight to X out hate speech – Communist Party USA

At the end of August, 38-year-old presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy appeared on CNN and was confronted with remarks he made regarding Ayanna Pressley, the first Black woman elected to represent Massachusetts in Congress. In response to her critique of his campaign one that insists on a colorblind meritocracy Ramaswamy said at an event in Iowa that her words are the words of the modern grand wizards of the modern KKK. CNNs Dana Bash pressed him during the interview on these comments, pointing out that the KKK has waged violent terror for over a century

Categories Leo Frank

Fighting Antisemitism: How ADL Monitored and Responded to GDL – ADL

To understand how ADL responds when organized hate comes to town, lets take you to Georgia earlier this year. Thats when at least 11 individuals affiliated with the Goyim Defense League (GDL), a loose network of people who share antisemitic, anti-LGBTQ+ and white supremacist thinking, set out on a Name the Nose Tour their words to antagonize Jewish communities in the Peach State.